Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee went on a global tour as the Global Ambassador of Smith Cult. Ashlee also offered training to the salon partners, and hosted events at Marie Claire London. Her experiences continue to influence her work today. Ashlee Glazer and I have been avid fans of beauty for as long as I remember being in any corner of the industry from counter to the red carpet. My regular customers keep me interested and offer a steady source of inspiration filling me with tricks and tips to be able to impart on the air as a makeup and lifestyle expert. To wind down from my hectic schedule, I prefer to spend time out in nature and at a big dinner table, with my the family and friends. My goal is to unite my skills as well as the people around me in order to establish a space where I can educate and inspire people with my creative talents. Ashlee is a famous makeup artist and beauty expert who motivates her clients through confidence, power and self-expression. Her mission is to help women appear and feel amazing while creating a positive impact on the world. Born on May 12th, parents are Harry and Jennifer Glazer sisters of Kyle (21) chosen Goshen due to the fact that when I first stepped on campus I felt like this was where I wanted to be. The Goshen atmosphere was great, the team interactions were great and the coaching staff allowed me to easily make the choice. I am proud of her father for his work ethic as well as his ability to communicate with others in any scenarios. watcher best athletic moment was when I won the state and national championship.

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